
Friday 15 April 2016


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Josh says:
Arrived at Rome after a long flight. Once we got off the train from the airport it took forever to find out how to activate our train tickets. Security was strict at the train station and finally got in a taxi. Don't go with illegal taxi drivers as most of the time they would be out of their car trying to persuade you to go with them , just wait in the  queue for a real taxi driver. Also don't drive or be very carful driving some drivers (dad says all) are crazy.

Today we saw the Foro Romano (Roman ruins) and the Colosseum. The Roman ruins were fantastic and it was huge area, had a lot of history, we did an audio tour which was very good. Then we went to the Colosseum, (another audio tour but not very good), it was fantastic as well but a lot of people, learnt a lot about Rome. Lots and lots of walking so I am tired. We also explored around town and security was everywhere. Parking was crazy, people were parking in the middle of the road. Lucky most people spoke a little English, all I know in Italian is hello, 1-10 and 'my name is'.
Dad says:
We have been very fortunate staying in the historic part of Rome. Every corner you turn there is a historic monument, building, aqueduct or just some ruins. We visited Foro Roman, Palestine Hill and the Colosseum today. Each were just as interesting, but I liked the Foro Roman the best. 
Apart from the historical components, for which you can talk about for ages there are a few other tibits of Rome that caught us unaware. 

As Josh mentioned the driving is crazy and just dangerous, no-one has a right of way it is first in best serve. Pedestrians dont have a right of way and parking is 'anywhere'. The following images show some samples of this.
Orange juice is red, it is a blood orange, but still tastes like orange juice.
All food that we have eaten has been really nice, quite cheap also. Most pizzas have very scarce amounts of meat (if any), but are all very nice. The pasta is cooked slightly harder than at home (aldente?) and there is not many varieties available. Surprisingly I have not seen any creamy pasta and all seem to be tomato based. Carbonara is an exception, though this is mainly egg/cheese. Drinks are cheap, water especially and a bottle of beer (1 litre) can cost as little as EU3.5 in a restaurant. With most Italians eating dinner around 8-8:30 we have not had too much troubles finding a seat. All the gelati that we have eaten has lived up to expectations. Alicia is adventurous and has tried the varieties "Lemon and Chocolate", "Chocolate and Lemon" and "Cocoa and Limone". Josh has always tried a different fruity flavour, with lemon always the second choice.
Luckily a lot of people seem to have a small grasp of some English and are able to point us in the right direction. It is actually really easy to get around, lots of signs, plus you have a few massive building that can give you an orientation.

There are a few beggers, but there is a massive number of people selling selfie sticks, drinks or water, toys, hats, etc. Those selling selfie sticks would however outnumber all other traders 2-1.

Alicia says:
The first day in Rome was nice and relaxing. The first time that I saw the Colosseum it looked very nice and when I had my first gelarti the chocolate and lemon was delicious. When we went past the Colosseum I saw some horses and carts. At tea we went to a restaurant which the menu was all in Italian.  


  1. Having a great time,looks like a nice day for looking at all the sites of is the food,

    1. Good thanks the food is amazing not what I expected but still very very nice.

  2. Having a great time,looks like a nice day for looking at all the sites of is the food,

  3. The crows won by 10 points,nail bitter to the end

  4. Hi all, yes we could see the multitude of photos on the Google link.
    Just as well you have digital photos now and not film.
    Looks like you are all enjoying your trip
